Sunday, May 3, 2009

bye, bye small town

yesterday we went to wayne's historical museum. i was able to ask about william houston. unfortunately, they did not have any pictures or infomation on him. only that he had a brother that was captured by the confederacy. anywho, although the museum was small jay and i found out alot of interesting things about our boring town. wayne was founded in the early 1800's and has gone through many, many changes. in the 1960's the state told this little town that a major road was coming through so figure out where to put it and in that one statement little wayne was changed forever. wayne was once a thriving town where you actually did all your shopping. it was kinda like hastings. you walked to downtown and did your business and went home. everything was here. but now that we have michigan ave it has broken up the town in two places and it is now not a friendly place to shop or walk. so to the genius of the state of michigan, thank you for destroying another small town.
this has been a word from nicole

1 comment:

  1. poor little wayne...i got to hand it to those people who run your museum. What do they get... 2 or 3 visitors a month? yet they keep pluggin' along telling wayne's story.
