Thursday, May 27, 2010


my neighbor has a son the same age as matty. they enjoy playing together. when the little guy comes over here he has no idea what to do first. i will be the first to admit that we have alot of toys. i think it may come from the fact that i didn't have alot of toys when i was little so i have gone a little overboard. that my friend, is another blog. anywho, spongebob was on tv when he was over. he announces, "spongebob, can't watch that." (he is not allowed to watch said show).
he looks at me expecting me to change the channel.i announce, " this is a spongbob house." and walk into the kitchen to clean. let me list for you why spongebob is one of the best cartoons on tv...ever.
1. spongebob is the most loyal friend
2. he is a hard worker
3.he helps everyone, even if they don't want it
4.takes good care of his pet
5. he has patience of a saint
6. he is quick to forgive
7. he enjoys the simple pleasures in life
8. visits his grammy
9. he honest
what mother would not like he son to learn those qualities? why his mother thinks spongebob is a bad influence is beyond me. i'll take spongebob over most tv any day.
that has been a word from nicole

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

hardest thing

i always thought being a parent or being married would be the hardest thing i would ever do. i was wrong. it is believing and doing the will of God that is the hardest thing to do!

Monday, May 10, 2010

mother's day

i hate mother's day. i don't mind calling my mom, sending a card to her or even spending the day with her if that is what the day calls for. but for the love of all i hate this day!! there is too much pressure on me to "have a good day." i just want it to be like any other sunday. i don't need gifts, i don't need a special dinner and i DO NOT need people asking me if i'm having a good mother's day. you know what made me happy on mother's day was when i thought of my friends, amy and theresa. they both adopted little girls and this was their first mother's day. i was so happy that they finally had their little one in their arms but other than that i could not wait for the day to be over with. so next mother's day...just wake me when it's over.
this has been a word from nicole