Monday, May 11, 2009


we (meaning me and the kids) spent mother's day with my mom. jay went to his mom's. my sister and her family were there, as well as, my cousin, renee, her two kids and her mom. in total there were eight kids there. my cousin, her kids and her mom live in florida. it wasn't the warmest of days on sunday but compared to our winter it was a nice day. the michigan kids had on short sleeves, or a dress or shorts. the florida kids had on jackets and hats. you would have thought a winter storm was brewing. it was a very nice day with my family. after we ate my sister, jim, micala and me sat around the table talking "shit," when diane brings up how she is going to sell some silver on ebay. a lightbulb went off in my head. so i start asking questions about silver and silverware. you know, real silverware from the olden days. in my mind i saw the box of silverware my grandma gave me 16 years ago. i knew that had to be the real deal. could i actually have a small fortune in my basement? as soon as i got home i pulled out the box and looked for the markings, sure enough, towel candlelight sterling silver. if you brought this set today it is well over $5000! dollar signs are dancing around in my head. the things i could buy...things that we needed. this would so help out if i could just sell it for the right price. so today i called a place that buys silver. the going rate for sterling silver is $5 an ounce. the silverware weighs about 5 pounds. wow! $400! i wondered if i could do better. i called my sister's friend, julie. she knows things that most people don't know. she said to call replacements ltd sometimes they buy things from people. i called and yes, they are buying my patteren of silverware. now i am waiting for an email about what pieces they are looking for. i know some people would keep this silverware and pass it down to the next generation but i figure, if i don't sell it the next person may and why shouldn't i get the money, because i need it.
this has been a word from nicole


  1. Sometimes we have to what we have to do. Silverware is one of those things that are not sentimental to me, so I say go for it sister!

  2. it's just silverware, not a family photo. how weighed down would you be (physically and emotionally) if you kept everything ever given to you? you know me...sell, sell, sell. you'll be more grateful for that silver than ever before, and that silver will have done some real good.
