Thursday, April 23, 2009


last night i woke up at 3:30 a.m. so like any normal person i got up and spent two hours on the computer. going to the usual places like fb, myspace, usmagazine, ew, eonline, you know all the important places. i was able to chat with a friend online so all was not lost. i then played a game online for awhile. when i got tired of that i made andrew's lunch and got holly's lunch money together. by this time jay was up for work. i layed back down about 6:15 and fell asleep. i woke up at 7:15, the time i should be leaving to take the kids to school. so yeah, they were late today. sleeping for me has been a problem lately. i can be dog tired and still sleep will not come or i can't stay asleep. i have gone back in forth in my mind about sleeping medication but i'm already on one medication, i don't want to be a medicine cabinet.
that's all folks,
this has been a word from nicole

1 comment:

  1. the thing aren't supposed to get out of bed. if i can't sleep, i'll just lay there out of pure stubborness. no insomnia is going to get me out of bed before my time.
