Sunday, December 6, 2009

yes, holly there isn't a santa claus

for the past couple of weeks holly has been noticing packages coming into the house. how many stories can i possible make up for each one. so i started telling her if she keeps asking questions she is not going to like the answers. so today while putting groceries into the back of the car she sees a present that is for matty. how do you explain that one. so i ask her, "do you want to know? do you want to hear the answer? what the truth really is?" i could tell by the look in her eyes she was curious to hear the answer but at the same time wanted to hold on to the magic of santa. so, okay, i told her that there is no santa. it is her dad and i who buy the gifts. that once long ago there lived saint nicholas and that is where we get santa claus. needless to say she was heart broken. she cried outside, she cried in her room. jay said i was mean but for pete sake she is 8 and a half and i am tried to telling stories to cover up the presents she finds. i knew in kindergarten that there was no santa claus. was i more jaded growing up than my children are now? so, the cat is out of the bag and i'm glad.
this has been a word from nicole


  1. OMG- what a mean mom! No just kidding, I think Evan has an idea but he is keeping up with it like he believes, even if he doesn't I have at least six more years with Owen so I know he will say he does!

  2. I do not believe one word of what you wrote. There is to a Santa Claus, so there. Oh, I love the garlands.
