Monday, August 10, 2009

summer 2009

Things that I have enjoyed this summer-
books from the library
Chicago with sista and the kids
Seeing Holly learn new things at her religion class
Seeing Def Leppard and Poison with Jodi and Heather
Taking a chance with Jodi and getting our picture taken with Brett Michaels
Knowing Holly and Matty had a wonderful time in Coldwater with Jay and Steve
Watching movies with Jay
Watching Jay crochet his blanket
Doing our annual garage sale with Sista
Going to Greektown Jay
Seeing Andrew learn new things at id Tech camp
Walking/running with Gordy
Facebook,Farmville and Yoville
Watching Y&R on the DVR and missing all the commericals that way
pistachio pudding
Shopping and eating out with Micala
Watching Matty play in the dirt and play with the hose
Being one of 50 finalist in the coke contest

i'm sure there is more but that is off the top of my head.
this has been a word from nicole


  1. Geez, sista, you have had quite a summer. Another good list would be: things I never thought I'd do...

  2. I would like to know what those things are!
