Saturday, June 6, 2009

can i scream

i'm living in a pickle jar and i can't get out. is it just me or has the cost of living (can you believe there is a cost to just live) gone up, no skyrocketed. is it just my area or what? jay's pay has not gone up and nor will it go up anytime soon. ford has taken from their employees bonuses, raises and "the cost of living" pay has been cut because the cost of living has not gone up. oh really ford? may i come live in your ivory tower? the everyday things are just getting too much. when i think of all that needs to be paid and what won't get paid i almost start to shake. we got into a pinch a few months ago with my traffic ticket and our water bill. now i am scrambling to catch up. never in my married life have i come so close to going to a food pantry. but i wouldn't qualify anywho. how in the hell does sista stretch a dollar to make it two? how in the hell can i keep treading water when i am so tired?
this has been a word from nicole


  1. 3 things: 1st, did you know that under "About Me" it says poofolk, not poorfolk. Someone might think you're cleaning up animal poo, wiping a little butt, and listening to Jay talk poo all talk long. 2nd, soon you'll be at the hotel klipfer "where the sun always shines." and 3rd, don't forget what ma ingalls says: "all's well that ends well" and you have no reason to believe that it won't!

  2. Nothing like a big sister to put it all in perspective. Nicole, I hope you clip coupons! That saves me about $35.00 every week!, I know how hard it is getting! I will be so glad when the diaper days are over! Hang in there!
