Sunday, January 2, 2011


up at 7:30 am
made a yummy breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese and sausage
church with holly at 11:30 (really wish i was a morning person so i could enjoy an earlier mass)
toys r us with holly after mass to spend her $25 gift card from katie and kelsey
home for lunch...loleth's fried rice with bread
got up and put christmas decorations away, not the tree that will be tomorrow
got taco bell for dinner, ding...think outside the bun
now computer time with andrew breathing down my neck to get back on
school tomorrow for andrew and holly! summer is on it's way!!

this has been a word from Nicole

1 comment:

  1. I am not a morning person either and it is hard to get up to go to church and be there for me at 11:00. I'm a homebody to so that doesn't help!
    I've been thinking about summer to. :) Oh, and I LOVE TACO bell. Sounds like a good day!
    I just walked by my Christmas tree and am thinking maybe that should be my goal today take it down.
